Where is the serial number and QR code for my AC180. There is a small QR on the bottom and two long rows of numbers. Are both of these the serial numbers? shouldn’t they be labeled “s/n”?
Hi @Telecruiser
welcome to the bluetti community forum!
My AC180 have the QR Code on the backside, where you can find the technical informations like voltage, capacity etc.
I found the easiest way to note my 3 x AC180 & AC70 serial numbers is - Install the App, connect to the AC180 via Bluetooth, go to Settings. (The AC180 needs to be turned on for this) At the top of the page of settings you will see a number in the order of - AC180************* this is your Bluetti S/N. For my 3 AC180s, there are 13 numbers following the AC180.
There is a small icon to the right of the S/N like a pencil, here you can rename your power station. This will not change the S/N. i.e. as I have 3, I named them AC180-1, AC180-2 etc.