AC Output Turns Off Randomly?

I learned the hard way this morning that my Bluetti AC180 decided to turn of the AC outlets during a heavy rain storm last night. I had my sump pump plugged into the AC180 and the AC180 plugged into line power. There was no power outage that I’m aware of, but because I didn’t know the AC outlets turned off, I found water in my basement and it took me a while to figure-out why my sump pump stopped working. I know for sure the AC outlets were ‘on’ when I plugged in the sump as I tested it.

If nothing else, this is a warning to others and perhaps a feature request. I.e., I’d like it if there was a "Default AC to ‘on’ " feature so that the AC outlets on the AC180 (or any Bluetti power station) automatically turned ‘on’ in the event that the power station restarts, has connectivity issues, etc.

Note to self: RTFM

I read that the “AC-ECO” working mode is enabled by default on the AC180. According to the manual:

ECO mode: When operating on ECO mode, the AC/DC output will automatically turn
off if the AC180 is bearing low or no load for a while.

I’m assuming this is why I got surprised by the AC outlets being “off” when I know I turned them on. When having a sump pump connected, there are definitely long stretches of time, often days, where there is no power draw on the AC180.

Hence, I have turned “off” the AC-ECO mode and hope this will allow me to not have to pay so much attention to the AC180 when a storm rolls through.

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@PoorInRichfield Yes, the ECO mode is set to prevent wasted electricity loss.