Will the EP500Pro allow charging using solar panels in series as in 900watt in DC1 and similar in DC2

Am trying to get a 2 solar array using 900watts in each of the DC1/DC2 inputs would this be possible as the voltage of 3panels in the array does not exceed 75 volts.
Or must the arrays be set up in parallel meaning less voltage and wattage.

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Hi @Reddragon

The EP500Pro can handle 150Voc per DC Input. So when you have two arrays and each of them have ~ 75 Voc, this just should work fine.

Just connect array 1 to DC1 and array 2 to DC2.


When solar panels are connected in series, the total open-circuit voltage should not exceed 150V. The EP500Pro has two MPPTs, which means you can connect the solar panels separately to these two MPPTs. These two connections are equivalent to parallel connection.

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Thanks guys for the wiring in series details, will apply it today.