Why is this not charging (from 12V battery)?

I have this battery:

Hooked up to my AC180 like this:

Yet it is not charging (no input). Note that I have successfully charged the unit from the cigarette lighter in my car. I checked the polarity of the barrel plug, and the outside is negative.

Why is it not charging?


Well, I unplugged things and plugged them in again, and now it is working. Why do you think it failed earlier? Loose connection?? Delay?

I understand that I won’t get much from that battery, as it will drop below 12V after a while, but it’s a battery I had lying around.

Hi @PianoAl, I’m glad to hear that the issue has been resolved and everything is now working properly.

From the photos you provided, it appears that your AC180 was already at 100% charge initially, which prevented it from being charged further. This is due to our BMS management system’s overcharge protection feature, designed to safeguard the battery from overcharging.

Additionally, unplugging and reconnecting ruled out the possibility of loose cables or improper contact with the clamps.

Ah, of course! Thanks.

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