What have you won spinning Bluetti’s lucky wheel?

Hi, I’m curious how others have faired when spinning the lucky wheel. I wonder what the odds are for the different prizes.

I’m also curious. Is anyone willing to share? :star_struck: :star_struck:

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I haven’t seen a lucky wheel :flushed::wink:

Where would we find it?

Last time i see it, it was in the Black Friday section.

You can find it in the app. Click on the bottom right “Me” icon, wait 5- 10 seconds for the one to load itself properly and then scroll down a little and you will see “Lucky Wheel”, click on it. Every 30 bluetti bucks earns you a spin on the wheel. If you back up to the “ME” section and click on “Check In”, each day you can check in and you will earn 5 Bluetti bucks.

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Seems we have different versions of the app, although I am also using version 2.2.1.

Dont have this option too. Seems like its regional different

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Hmm, interesting. Mine seems to start out looking like yours, but after a few seconds it loads the new stuff. I’m in the US.

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Selfmadestrom an I, we both live in europe.

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