using wind into 2 100 amp lithiums and solar to charge A300/B300

ok guys help a dummy out. I have a 1200 watt wind turbine that I will be using to charge 2 100 amp Lithium’s with. Am I right to assume that I can change those into a 24V system and then how do I draw that power through which port into my A300/B300?

You want to use a wind turbine to charge the AC300, and then charge two lithium-ion batteries, right? The AC300 cannot directly charge lithium-ion batteries through the cigarette lighter and RV ports. You can consider buying an AC adapter and charge the batteries through the AC output port.

It’s worth noting that we don’t recommend using a wind turbine to charge the BLUETTI power station, as the wind power output is unstable, resulting in unstable voltage and frequency, which cannot be within the input range of the BLUETTI machine. Directly charging the machine may be intermittent or even unable to charge.