Updating firmware on the AC60 and B80

Now that we’re in tornado season it’s time to make sure all units firmware are up to date. Today I decided to start with the AC60/B80.

These are some very nice bags for storing the units in.

I really like all of the accessories!

This is a very powerful unit I love it! :blue_heart:

  • I’ve noticed that my AC60 would not discharge down to 0% and stayed on 1% which is nice*


Thats interesting. Never seens this on a bluetti unit for now

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I think if you were discharging at a lower wattage output you would have been able to go to 0% state of charge. With this very high AC load your batteries dropped voltage at the end of the cycle sooner than they would have if you had say a 100 watt load.


Yeah I thought it was a little odd too…

You might be right I was trying everything to get the SOC to 0%.