Unit Won't Turn Off

Had an issue of flashing “input”. Videos told me to download app and upgrade firmware. Couldn’t connect my device so I used the AC/DC power holding method to connect. Tried to upgrade firmware, and now it keeps disconnecting, showing permanent 4 lines dancing across the unit, and will not turn off. Can’t turn it off through the app, and won’t turn off using the AC/DC hold methods. Really, really frustrated right now. Please help.

What unit are you having these issues with?

Good morning, its the EB3A. Support still hasn’t contacted me as of this morning.

Their team is centrally located oversees and understandably runs a more “limited” support team on the weekends. They will be back in full force Sunday evening. But in the meantime, within the bluetti app, if you click “add device” are you able to see your EB3a unit show up to be able to “bind” to your account?? Make sure on your phone that your Bluetooth is on. Then after successfully binding your unit, you should be able to pull up what firmware your EB3a is currently running. Take a screenshot of that or upload that info back here and we can see what we can do for ya. When performing any updates on the units, you need to make sure they are charged up, but then unplugged from any charging sources, and then also make sure all outputs are turned “off” and that there’s nothing connected to the unit. Then when updating, stay on the screen and within a few feet of the unit. If the unit continues to have issues, maybe @BLUETTI_CARE can “force” over an update from the backend that could help you… but they’ll need to know your current firmware specs and units SN to do so effectively. Hope this helps but keep us updated and they’ll get you taken care of. Btw… I love the little EB3A unit, I have multiple units around the house for various things. Including one that’s been running a small freezer in my garage 24/7 for nearly 3.5 years now! :metal:

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It’s annoying how many things there are that they just don’t tell you. So here is the information I think you need as well as a picture of what it’s doing. Those 4 lines are just continuously flashing and I can’t do anything with the unit. It won’t charge through the wall plug, the solar panel I bought isn’t strong enough apparently and we also have no sun right now, none of the power buttons do anything, and when I try to upgrade through the app I get the message “Communication disconnected. Please check the connection.” But I can’t reconnect because the unit won’t let me press any buttons or see a menu.

It will only let me post one picture at a time but I’ll post the screen after this

Hi @FixMyMachine, Apologies for the delayed response due to a heavy workload recently.
This issue is indeed very rare. Could you please DM us with a video and your order information so we can investigate further?
I hope it does help.
We appreciate @m.briney’s kind advice on this matter.

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