Unit Keeps discharging

Hi I was wondering how often are the AC300 Units supposed to discharge. It seems like it is discharging every other day. Right now it is down to 28%; I see it is pulling grid power, I usually keep the SOC at 85% because if I lose power overnight, I would like my heat to still work. Is this normal behavior or am I doing something wrong?


Hi @TopDog1219

welcome to the bluetti community forum!

There are a few things that we need to know. SInce the AC300 doenst have a built-in Batterie, what kind of extension batteries are you using with it?

Also, you can select multiple UPS settings. Each one of them act a little different. Some mostly charge from Solar, other doing a mix.

What kind of mode did you select?


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Hi @TopDog1219, We need more detailed information.
As Selfmadestrom mentioned, please let us know how many batteries are connected to the AC300 and how the UPS mode is set.

Additionally, we’d like to know what kind of load you’re using. Is it a heater? What is its specific model? Does it need to be under load constantly? If not, it’s best to turn it off.

If turning it off isn’t convenient, turning off the AC/DC output is another way to save power.

Please also provide the SN number of your AC300 and the current firmware version, so we can check if there’s any new firmware that could optimize its performance.


Thank you for the responding. I have a 300K battery unit attached. I have it operating in PV Priority with 400 Watt solar and grid (15 A) to charge the unit. I have only the 30 AMP output going to a transfer switch that has a load of my boiler, basement lights, Internet, 1 and 3 bedroom lights only just in case there is a power outage (sorry for got my frig).

Hi the Serial number is AC3002227000337416 and the firmware version is ARM : 4032.11 DSP: 4031.30 BMS: v1067.11

Hi @TopDog1219, We would like to clarify your issue.
Your AC300 + B300K system is fully charged during the day, and at night, under the same load, one night it retains 85% of the charge, while the next night only 28%, repeating in this pattern. Is that correct?

We would like to confirm whether the system has been continuously connected to the grid power. What is your specific PV Priority mode setting? What is the SOC set value? A screenshot of the settings interface would be very helpful if possible.

Hi, you assume is correct. It is constantly connected to grid power, there were a few times that I did lost power for a few minutes but that’s it. the PV mode is set to PV priority UPS with the SOC at 80%.

Hi @TopDog1219, Apologies for the delayed response due to a heavy workload recently.
We have reviewed your UPS settings. According to this configuration, when connected to the grid, the system will automatically charge up to 80% and then stop grid charging.

We guess that during this period, you may have experienced a power outage, which caused the battery to deplete to 28%. Could this be the case?

Hi, no - no power outages, it just starts discharging. Is there something that I need to do?

Hi @TopDog1219, We would like to know if the AC300+B300K has been carrying a load during this period, and what the load power is.

If the system is under load without charging, it will continuously consume power, and it’s normal for the battery to drain down to 25%. If you need to maintain the battery at 85%, please set the UPS to PV priority mode and set the SOC to 85%.