Hi, here his my problem, this week-end i was usine my EB3A and this what happening,
when plug to grid i Turn on my EB3A and plug à light in the AC. it show ups mode and the light is on. then the display and power button turn off and the light stay on. the EB3A is off but Ac grid pass throuh and the light still working.
try to turn back on and no responds. have to unplung the grid and plug it back, then hear a clicking sound, turn back the EB3A on but wont stay on more then a 30 second. So for now i cant use my EB3A for camping.
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Can you connect the app with it via bluetooth and see if there are any power saving modes (e.g.eco mode) turned on? In certain power saving mode, the unit turns off if there isn’t and power being drawn from it. But this seems a bit unusual.
Hi, i cannot connect to the app because its shut off before the app can connect to it.
That shouldn’t happen. You should advise service via email and they may be able to better help you.