Thankful for Mother's Love, Win Big for Mom!

:hearts: Mother’s Day is approaching and it’s time to celebrate the amazing women in our lives. At Bluetti, we want to join in and show our appreciation for all the moms out there.

For this special day, present a special moment between you and your mother; or a special moment with your child that you have already had as a mother.
For example, a trip :beach_umbrella:/family dinner :plate_with_cutlery:/outdoor activity :camping:.
It can be plain text, plus pictures/video descriptions are better. :writing_hand: :camera_flash: :movie_camera:

:bulb: Reply to this post to join the campaign.

:hourglass_flowing_sand: End Date:
May.25th, 2023.

:gift: Prizes:
:1st_place_medal: 1st Prize: AC60 *1
:2nd_place_medal: 2nd Prize: EB3A+PV120 *2
:3rd_place_medal: 3rd Prize: BLUETTI T-shirt *3
:medal_sports: Other Participants: 500 BLUETTI Bucks

ONLY for US, CA, EU, UK, AU, and JP residents. (Except for AK, HI, PR, and some European islands).

:tulip: The more creative and touching, the better chances of big winning.


A Special Woman

Our family loves getting outside and going on adventures. Mom is always there to get the kids ready and make sure they are fed her delicious meals!


This Mothers Day, Its suppose to rain, :sob: haha otherwise we would be going on a hike at the nearby state park that we have done the past 4 years together. But I plan on treating my wife/best friend to a nicely cooked dinner after she gets pampered to a massage I have scheduled for her. She is an incredible lady and deserves the world! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



Happy Mother’s Day to the best Mom ever, my daughter LaKendra. LaKendra has a major health condition and when she told the family that she was pregnant back in 2013 we all knew this wasn’t going to end well on her part. She was devastated by our reaction and she was determined to prove us wrong. When it was time to deliver her baby major complications came in the form of the baby’s heart rate was off the charts and my daughter’s blood pressure was so high almost at stroke level and all we could do is pray that both mom and baby survived. Here’s the Supermom and Son.

This young lady is the best Supermom, she not only has 1 child by birth but 700 children that she teaches and mentors. She makes sure her son has a home cook meal everyday, takes him to his swimming lessons, karate lessons, soccer games, and baseball games. Yes she’s a single mom but she don’t want to be just another statistics she’s out to make changes for the future generations. She made sure that her son was reading at a 3rd grade level at the age of 2.

And of course she takes time to stock the pantry for those that are in need and the homeless.

She does all of things and more and she still has time to make silly videos.


Yes! She’s definitely a Supermom!

She’s my only child and I love her to the moon and back.


Mother’s Day Giveaway Prize Time!
Congratulations to all the winners! :tada:

:1st_place_medal: AC60: @_Traveldiva2
:2nd_place_medal: EB3A+PV120: @YardGuy @m.briney

Thank you so much for entering!
Please private message me with your information ( including your full name, phone number, email address, and your detailed shipping address. ) before June 10th!

We are hoping to see more entries from our forum members in the next giveaway! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:


Thank you so much! And Congratulations to all the Winners!!:blue_heart::blue_heart:


Wow! Thank you!! Message sent over @BLUETTI and congrats to the other winners! @_Traveldiva2 & @YardGuy :metal: :metal:


That’s AMAZEBALLS! Thank you! Congrats everyone!!! @_Traveldiva2 @m.briney Your “Mom’s” rock!
:woman_singer: :metal: :woman_singer:


@YardGuy :rofl: yes. yes they do! hahaha


@m.briney @YardGuy ya’ll too funny :joy: