Status: "overloaded" and unpleasant odor from Bluetti PowerOak EB55

Good day, yesterday I bought a Bluetti PowerOak EB55, the device is new just out of the box. Tried to charge my laptop from UCB-C EB55, everything works well, no complaints.
During a power outage tried to connect a Samsung refrigerator to the EB55, the device worked fine for a while, but then it showed “overloading” status twice and stopped supplying power.
As I understand, the EB55 has overload protection, which is good, but I am confused by the foul odor when running. I have connected a monitor to the EB55, the unit heats up where it is attached to the handle (as I understand heating is normal) but the unpleasant odor, as if something was burning remains.
How should I behave? I know that you lacquer all the boards in the device, this odor appears as a result of heating the lacquer ? it will go away ? or should I take the device for return ?

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@land_odse Please check the post: