Solar Panels VOC or VDC AC200max battery

Hi everyone,

I recently purchased an AC200Max but I am confused with setting up the solar panels.

I bought 3 panels each has VOC 48.5 and VMP 40.1. In the manual it states the maximum for VDC should be 145DVC.

I planned to set up in series so the VOC would add up to 145.5VOC.

Should I use 2 panels instead of 3?

Is VDC the same as VOC?



VDC = Voltage Direct Current and is the type of power i.e. battery. VAC = Voltage Alternating Current or grid power. Either needs a numeric preceding to have meaning.
VOC = Voltage Open Circuit or with no load applied. VMP = Voltage Maximum Power, or when solar panels are producing their maximum charge and are under load and charging. Voltage under load reduces from open circuit voltage.
Bluetti power banks are rated at a maximum VOC, going past this voltage can damage the circuitry. Also keep in mind that in colder climates the rated VOC of a solar panel can increase above its rated VOC, which is generally at an ambient of 25C (77F). Therefore I would suggest your safer decision is 2 panels in series as 3 are already 0.5V over and could be more.
As to if your AC200MAX can tolerate more than the stated max, everything I’ve seen online and read says NO. :slight_smile:
Hope this helps…