Solar Panel Compatibility with Bluetti EB70


Hello everyone,

I recently became the proud owner of a Bluetti EB70 and I plan on using it for my travels in my old van (Citroen Acadiane). My idea is to install a solar panel on the roof of the vehicle to recharge the Bluetti while on the move.

I have a specific rigid solar panel in mind that meets my requirements in terms of length, width, and weight. However, I am unsure if its technical specifications are compatible with the Bluetti EB70. Here are the details of the panel:

Dimensions (L x W x H) 1480 x 670 x 25 mm
Nominal Power Pmpp: 200 W
Type of Solar Cells: Monocrystalline
Nominal Current Impp: 7.35 A
Short-circuit Current Isc: 7.79 A
Nominal Voltage Umpp: 27.22 V
Open Circuit Voltage Uoc: 32.35 V
Number of Cells: 196
Cell Efficiency: 21.4%
Cable Length: 0.5 m
Protection Rating of Junction Box: IP67
Power Tolerance: 0-3%
System Voltage: max. 1000 V
Connections: MC4
Number of Bypass Diodes: 1
Operating Temperature: -40 °C to 85 °C

Can anyone tell me if this panel is a good fit for the Bluetti EB70? Are there any other factors I should consider?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Best regards from Germany, Ziggy

you can’t use it you will exceed the VOC which is 28v on EB70. you risk damaging your battery, your panel has a VOC of 32.35v…

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look it’s the specs of your EB70

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Wie Jeff schon gesagt hat. Das Panel solltest du auf keinen Fall verwenden.

Der einzige Wert, welcher wirklich wichtig ist, ist die “Open Circuit Voltage”. Diese liegt an sobald kein Verbraucher angeschlossen ist (z.B Powerstation ist voll). Sobald ein Panel mit mehr als 28V angeschlossen wird, wird es deinen MPPT grillen.

Über die 8A kannst du hinaus gehen. Allerdings wird die EB70 nicht mehr als 8A nutzen können