Solar panel check ac300

Good afternoon, complete newbie to anything solar related, have purchased ac300 + b300, would anyone be kind enough to check the panel data I’m going to buy, I’m thinking 4 panels , 2 x 600 w panels in series x2, for added info I’m in southern Spain with a slight SW facing roof, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi @Rusticroots

the panels have a VOC of 54V. The AC300 have 2 MPPT. Each of the MPPTs can handle up to 150V. So when you connect both of the panels to one MPPT, there is no problem. The only thing is, that the current is between 13 and 14 amps. On the Website, the solarinput is 150V 12A. So its technicly no problem to overcurrent but you will loose some energy and dont reach full 600W per panel.

Hope that helped you.


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Thank you so much for replying , would there be a way to work out how much loss? We have a traditional Spanish roof so putting lots of panels on the roof would not be good

Thank you

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