Hi there,
Not sure if it’s the right place to write these kind of things, but I wanted to say “THANK YOU” to Bluetti from the entire Ukrainian community of Bluetti users for bringing Ukrainian language into the mobile application. We truly appreciate that!
Apart from the gratitude, I would like to report minor overlays between texts on the main screen of application (at least on iOS).
The deal is that chosen translation of words “direct current”, “alternating current”, “PV” and “Grid” are quite long in Ukrainian language. These are definitely minor things that not really impact on the user experience, but still don’t like really well and surely can be corrected by using “shorter” terms.
My suggestion (that no one asked for ) is to keep English / International values AC, DC, PV… These are generally accepted terms that imho shouldn’t be translated. When it comes to “Grid” word, I suggest to use “Мережа” which is the right and only Ukrainian word for it.
Worth to note that all other parts of mobile application are translated and looks great, good job.