Simultaneously using ac300 with feed-in from solar at 230Volts error 011 H bus voltage to high

@ BLUETTI_CARE As i previously posted, i´m wondering if there is a possible software update that allow to use a solar system (that feeds in 230V 50hz at a maximum of 1200 Watt) in to my home grid and simultaneously using the AC300 on that same home grid. (my home grid being disconnected from the public main grid)
At this moment my solar system works fine together with the AC300 on the same grid as long as the electricity consumption is higher than the power output from the solar array. Is there a software update solution for my problem?
Thanks for your help.
Toine (NL) EU

Hi @enioT , Yes, we do have a new firmware that can optimize the issue of solar charging power being limited when the AC300 is powering high-load devices. If you need this update, please provide us with your SN code and current DSP version.

Hello, thanks for your answer, i am in the process of setting up the bluetti app but bluetooth is bind to my sons account (123Lxxxxxx456@gmail. Can you disconnect this for me?
the SN is XXX2244001469201XXX dsp 4036.02
Please wait with pushing a new dsp until its registered to my email (interactioxxxxxxxx)
Thanks a lot for your help it surely appreciated by me!

@BLUETTI_CARE I have connected my AC300 to my bluetti app on my phone.
My ac300 is most of the time not connected by bluetooth nor wifi. Is this a problem for pushing a new DSP version? Do have to keep my phone 24/7 connected to the internet to receive a new dsp?
Thanks a lot again…

Hi @enioT
Your devices dont need to ber permanently online to receive the Update. The Serial Number if your device is just getting on a list that are allowed to receive a certain update. As soon you check for updates and your serial number is on that list, you should be able to update at any time.


Thanks Erik! I´m completely new at using the Blueti app…

@BLUETTI_CARE The problem is NOT that solar charging power is being limited. The problem is that i must use more power (Watts) than my solar is charging AC (alternating current 230V at 50Hz) to the same grid where also the AC300 is connected to.
example: my solar system is charging Alternating Current (AC) directly 1000 Watts into my home grid. At the same time i consume 600Watts through the same home grid where the AC300 is connected to. This then results in a error - 011 H bus voltage to high- and shuts AC output off completely.
When i consume more than 1000Watts lets say 1200Watts then the AC300 keeps functioning normal and does not shut the AC output down.
Do you have a solution for this problem?

Hi @enioT, This issue is indeed very unusual, and we haven’t encountered it before.
Regarding the “011 H bus voltage too high” error, we have some troubleshooting methods. We’d like to know if you have connected the AC300 to a home distribution box. If so, please ensure you have added a Transfer Switch to isolate the machine’s AC output from the grid.
Alternatively, try disconnecting the distribution panel. Does the issue still occur?


My AC300 is completely isolated from the public power grid when i operate the AC300
The AC300 is connected via one of the 6 schuko connectors to my home grid with the phase connected to the my home grids phase and the neutral connected to the my home grids neutral, PE from the AC300 is still connected to PE from the public power grid. Does this answer your questions?
Thanks for your help!

Do you have a solution for my problem?

It might be helpful if you could make a drawing that shows the power connections you have between the public grid, your solar power system, and the AC300 (both input and outputs). I’m not sure there’s a good understanding of how your system is put together.

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Hi @enioT, We recommend updating all firmware to the latest version and then restarting to see if the issue persists. If the problem continues, please contact our customer support team at Our team will be happy to assist you further.

I already did update a few days ago to the newest firmwares (all of them) but the same problem persists. i now included a hand drawing from my electrical connections.
Be aware that when i use my bluetti AC300 there is NO connection to the public grid only the PE is connected to the public grid, at times of using the AC300 (with 2 B300 parallel connected to the AC300) The problem: When using my ac300 with a load at 1000Watt but my solar array is producing 1200Watt (enphase at 230Volt AC ) i get a H bus voltage to high.
When my solar array is producing 800 Watts at 230Volt AC and my AC300 has a load at 1000Watt there is no problem.
My solar array is producing 230Volt AC current into my home grid NOT DC current

I’m not sure I understand your diagram, but I think I do. So you normally have your grid connection switched off. Your solar array (PE) then has it’s own inverter that is in turn connected to your AC loads. And your AC300 is also connected, via it’s AC output, to the loads as well. If my understanding is correct you have two inverters supplying your loads (kitchen, living room, apartment) simultaneously. So, how do you synchronize the two inverters? And even if you do that I’m not sure at all that this is OK to do – I strongly suspect this is not a compatible method of running AC loads. Unless I completely misunderstand your diagram.

Hi Your assumptions are correct. My understanding is that the solar micro inverters (Enphase IQ8MC Microinverter) have a automated grid tracking and also the AC300 does.

But how do you explain; that when the power consumption in my home exceeds the power output from my solar array there is no problem at all with my AC300 connected?
Thanks for your input, much appreciated!

Hi @enioT, Based on the wiring diagram you provided, there appears to be an issue with how the wires are connected.

To achieve the power supply system you mentioned, you need to add a transfer switch at the load end. This switch will isolate the output of the AC300 from the grid and the solar system. The errors you’re encountering with loads under 1kW are likely due to the absence of this transfer switch, as the Master switch you are using doesn’t serve the purpose of a transfer switch.

Are you located in a low-voltage (100-120V) area? If so, please refer to the circuit connection method in this link for proper guidance.

To my understanding the AC300 does not have any sort of grid tracking regarding it’s inverter output, and will not attempt to cooperatively power loads along with another AC power source connected simultaneously. This is likely the reason for the errors you are seeing. I cannot think of any alternative method of connecting your systems together to do what you’re trying to do either, unless there is a device that can take two power sources and independently load share between them.

Thanks for your answer. hnymann. I understand that 2 production units of electrical enery on the same grid, is the problem.
I will wait for the definite answer from Bluetti care. But you could be right. Still leaving me the following questions: What exactly is the H-bus?
and why a voltage to high error when my measurement at the 6 outlets from the AC300 is 230Volt at the precise moment of giving the error 011 H bus voltage to high?
Anyway, thanks for your input!! I will share the answer i get from Bluetti here.

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Thanks for your answer. if i put a transfer switch in the place you mentioned, then i can not use my solar array and the AC300 at the same time on my home grid. Your assumption that the error comes on with loads under 1kw is not correct.
In my drawing; when there is al load lets say at 800 Watts but my solar array produces 500 Watts simultaneously, there is no problem with the AC300 being on and connected as shown in my drawing.
But with a load at 800 Watt, and my solar producing simultaneously more than 800 Watt, the 011 Hbus error voltage to high shows and the AC300 cut the AC current to my homegrid.

Hi @enioT, We’d like to add to our previous answer. The AC input of the solar grid-tied inverter and the input of the AC300 are different, which could lead to some issues when supplying power to the household grid simultaneously.
We have a solution: connect the AC input of the grid-tied inverter to the AC300, then enable the UPS mode on the AC300 to bypass and power the load.

Could you give this a try?