Odd power down sequence Ac300

So I had a few hiccups while connecting my AC300 in preparation of an ice storm. I won’t bore you with details but I have a remaining mystery that I think any owner of an AC300 could help me with. The issue is in the powering down of the unit. The manual says you just push the power button once and it should shut down. It doesn’t say to hold for 2 seconds, like it tells you to do to power up, it just says to push the button to turn off. Well on mine, I have to hold the button for twice as long as it takes to turn on (up to 5 seconds to power off). It has strong “manual over ride” vibes, as in when your computer freezes and you have to hold the power button to force it to turn off and it doesn’t go through its power down sequence (and you lose all your unsaved work, you know the drill).

Here’s what happens. I hold the button 4 to 5 seconds, I hear a loud click sound, and the button illumination turns off, several seconds later the screen will turn off, then the button illumination flashes back on and slowly fades back out to dark. I am just curious if this is the standard power down sequence. I don’t remember that from when I first unboxed and tested it just a month or so ago but maybe it did. I might have just assumed this was normal had I not also gone through a bunch of weird stuff to power it on. It now powers on as described in the manual but this shut off method is contrary to the manual.

Additionally, I would like to confirm that 3 loud beeps at power up is just what it is supposed to do and not an alarm to indicate something’s not quite right.

Another issue, that I said I would not bore you with but changed my mind, is that the AC power supply cable input socket on the AC300 just fell out of the case and is hanging by the wires on the second use (not sure how it didn’t happen on the first use). You can see that a retaining ring should have been threaded on from the inside but it was neglected. At first I thought it must have vibrated off in transit but on closer inspection that is not possible. It would still be hanging from the wires (unless it was a C clip, but I have never seen a C clip that threads on) and it is clearly not there at all. Either way, I am not opening the unit to fix it, quite sure that would void the warranty. Anyone else have this issue? That should be covered under the warranty, should it not?

Thanks in advance!

I think the shutdown of your AC300 is normal. I got an AC300 + 2x B300 battery. I can turn my AC300 on with a short press of the power button. Both batteries turn on with it. When I want to shut it down again, a short press of the AC300 power button does nothing. I have to press it for 5 seconds to turn it off. The screen turns off on it’s own time-out and may stay on for a few seconds after the unit shut down.

I don’t get three beeps when I shut down, but I do get beeps when I disconnect AC charging. It’s the UPS function that warns that AC grid power is lost.

The AC power supply socket falling off is obviously not normal and requires a repair. If it does that after user damage, like a hit or drop on the connector, it is not covered by warranty. If it just falls off after normal use or after shipping it is a design or manufacturing defect and should be covered by warranty. You should discuss with @BLUETTI_CARE to find out what is the cause of it.


I actually have the AC300 like you, so that is good to hear. Do you get the click and the power illumination coming back on and fading out? These two things happen simultaneously, contrary to my original post. Based on your description I’m going to assume that the power down is functioning correctly. The 3 beeps I get are actually at powering on, but now I just powered it on to see if it was in UPS mode (it was), and it beeped only once. I think I might just be overly worried.

The AC socket is definitely an assembly oversight. This thing is in pristine condition. The retaining ring was forgotten on this one socket, the rest are fine. I have submitted an email to support just earlier today with all this info and more, am awaiting their word.

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Hi @cpotrafka, We are very concerned about the issue you’re experiencing.

Thank you to @TheQuickFox for providing such detailed and professional answers. They are very helpful.

Since you’ve already contacted customer service, we trust that the corresponding service team will provide a professional response and complete the warranty process.

If you have any feedback regarding our service, please provide the ticket number, and we will investigate and expedite the service process.

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FYI, support responded to my email. The power input socket issue is enough to warrant the return on its own as expected. For what it’s worth, they did say that the unit should power off with a simple quick push of the button. This is their quote from the email.
“Generally, the AC300 will make a clicking sound after powering off, but it is generally not necessary to long-press the power off.” I still feel like it is a forced shutdown, over-riding its normal sequence.
I wonder if anyone else will weigh in on this. I’m going to send them a video of the unit powering down to see what they think. Thankfully I will soon have another test subject to compare these peculiarities to and will report back.

Here is a video of the power down. I first hit the button with a single press. According to the manual and Bluetti support, this should turn it off. The second press is a couple seconds, similar to how it is turned on but also fails to shut it off. And the last is a 4 or 5 second press that finally turns it off. Note the power button illumination flash back on simultaneously when the screen turns off then it slowly fades out. Is this what everyone is experiencing?

Mine is a bit different. But very similar. I got B300 batteries instead of the B300K. I recently got a second B300 battery added to the system and now it gives a beep during the shutdown. But everything works perfectly fine and both batteries turn on and turn off with the main unit.

I would not worry about it.

Just get that AC power socket repaired and you’re good to go.

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Thanks for making that, it does make me feel better. I think they are just going to send a new unit rather than repair and return, but I could be wrong. I’ll see how that one powers down and report back.

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Update: support responded again and after consulting with tech department they confirmed that the long press is required to shut down. Still a little odd to see the slight differences in our two units’ shut down sequence but I am not going to fret over it any longer. Return process is started, we’ll see what comes back.

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