new pv350 solar not charging new AC200

I have turned on the DC input source to PV and plugged in the solar panels in full sun for 2 days. I have watched and followed at least 10 videos. Is there something I have forgotten to do?

If you have connected your solar panels to your AC200xxx… As soon as there is sun, your panels should wake up your AC200xxx which will charge.
In your case, I would start by looking at the voltage measured for the solar input on the AC200xxx. If the voltage is zero, there must be a problem either with your panels, or with the wiring or with the connectors (cut, polarity inversion).
What is the model of your “Ac200” Ac200P? AC200max? AC200L?

Hi @lmfranklin, yes, we need more information to identify the issue.

I agree with @Snips1’s suggestion. Could you please provide the specific model of your power station and the parameters of your solar panels? We’d like to confirm whether the solar panels are compatible with your power station, and measuring the voltage would be very helpful.

We recommend recording a video, uploading it to a cloud drive, and then sharing the link with us. We will then proceed with further troubleshooting.