New Balcony System Under Development - Speak freely!

:confetti_ball: Good news! BLUETTI is working on the latest generation of the Balcony Solar System, and we need to hear more from you to make it even better. :handshake: :handshake:

Note: The system is available in Germany, we would like to thank BLUETTI German users in advance for their ideas. :)

Question 1 -
What type of housing do you live in? (Where is your balcony photovoltaic system used?)
In welcher Art von Wohnung wohnen Sie? (Wo wird Ihr Balkon-Photovoltaiksystem verwendet?)
e.g. Apartment / Wohung
Detached house / Einfamilienhaus
Semi-detached house / Doppelhaus
Terraced house / Reihenhaus

Question 2 -
What kind of features do you expect from the latest generation of balcony solar systems under development?
Welche Funktionen erwarten Sie von der neuesten Generation der in Entwicklung befindlichen Balkon-Solarsysteme?

BLUETTI R&D team will do their best to satisfy customers in Germany who need a balcony solar system. We look forward to your input!


Question 1 -
What type of housing do you live in? (Where is your balcony photovoltaic system used?)

Im using my System in a Detached house . Most the Panels are on the roof of my garage

Question 2 -
What kind of features do you expect from the latest generation of balcony solar systems under development?

There are a few points that can be done better or need to add in my opinion

1.) Use the system with Bluetti Powerstation that i already own. Big advantage for the enduser is, that they dont need to buy a new powerstation, its useable beside for the balcony system and easy swapable. Thats one of the points that most customers complain about

2.) Let the system work with some kind of sensor to realize something that we called “Nulleinspeisung”. That means the system/microinverter outputs as much energy as needed in the house and the rest energy should provided to the Powerstation/Battery.

The common sensors in germany are Poweropti which mounts on a digital power meter ( , Tibber pulse (Pulse – Der Strom-Tracker ⚡️ Tibber) which does basicly the same but with a lot more apis and possibiltys. Its also possible to integrate a device like Shelly 3M ( which need to installed by someone who really knows what he/she do. Im using the pulse, it sends the current energy gid import and energy grid export every few seconds. This System does have support for 2 of the three devices (

3. Provide support for open communication protocolls to connect the system to a HomeAssistant installation. One example yould be MQTT. That allow users to customize their experience with the balcony system in many ways. For example to trigger automations, based of the condition of the Balcony System.

4.) Let the user see what he/she achieve with the balcony system. The basic values in the App like overall generation and saved emissions are great, but something like the Annual Report wasnt supported for the Balcony System. I think it would be a great addition

5.) Let the user to choose between more modes. Like i mentioned, there should be a mode called “zero export”. Since this is something you need a extra device for, i would wish another, more static mode. In this mode you set a static value, how much energy should in the battery and how much into the grid. This mode should be also combinated with a schedule feature.

A third mode should be like the standard mode on the current system. Choose between “PV to Grid” and “PV to Battery”. In this case you can charge your Bluetti Powerstation more quick, when you want to leave to a trip (In combination with point one - Use own Powerstation).

6.) More Hardwareconfigurations. I think it would be great to choose between multiple D100S. For example: D100S with 2 PV Inputs or D100S with 4 PV Inputs. In this case, users can choose the right hardware for their setup and needs. Maybe they want to panels head to south and two in the direction of west, to have full power over the whole day. For now its just possible to connect two panels independently.

7.) One last thing: Reduce the price for the next generation. The current system is just too expensive in my opinion. Its a great system, but its lagging features that other system have for a much smaller price :slight_smile:

If there are any questions, feel free to tag me!



After Erik’s post… it’s difficult to add anything ! :grinning:

Erik’s points 1 and 2 are the most important for me.
For the point 2, to my mind : a degraded but acceptable solution would already be to be able to modulate the injection according to the consumption measured on a smart plug (and ideally all Tuya/SmartLife compatible smart plug).

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Hey @Snips1

Thanks for adding! For Point 2, Smartplugs arent that bad. But i see two main problems with it. First, you need to buy a plug for every device to make a true zero export system. This could be really expensive. The other thing is, not every device can connect to a plug. Devices that are connect directly to 3 Phase for example.

So yes, it would be somehow acceptable, but not optimal in my opinion. Many Smartplugs also run on “Tasmota” OS. Really often use since its open source.

I completely agree with you that the smart plug solution is a degraded and far from ideal solution. What you’re proposing is ideal for me, no doubt about it.
In fact, it’s Bluetti’s commercial positioning that I think is the limiting factor. Does Bluetti only want mass-market solutions (notably for safety reasons), in which case it wouldn’t want DIY enthusiasts to put their fingers in the electrical panel… or does Bluetti accept to make products with functionalities for informed amateurs like you and me. When you see the subject of limiting the current to 8A on the DC input - cigarette port or the AC current setting for charging stations, Bluetti is looking out for the average, non-expert. If that’s the case, they may well reject the solution proposed in point 2) (and 3 for that matter)… in which case smart plugs could be a more acceptable plan B for them. But there’s no doubt about it! if Bluetti makes a product that does everything you’ve specified: I’ll buy it straight away! I support your request 200%!


I have just discovered the Anker Solarbank 2 E1600 Pro, it has several non-invasive current sensors connected to a wireless meter that the solar generator uses to provide zero injection to the grid… And the grid tie inverter is integrated into the solar generator which is ip65 ! Bluetti, I’m sure you’ll do just as well or even better!

I read about it in a side note. The built in inverter may looks more clean, because MPPT, inverter etc. are all in one box, but i do like the modularity of the current system. I think they shoud stick to it.

About the current sensors you mentioned. Here in germany you have multiple ways with different energy meters. We have full analog meters, with the abilty to read any data from it. Then we have a 2 way meter where you can grap data locally over the infrared Port and the smartmeter which is basicly the same, but its connected to a bridge that is connected to the internet.

As i understand, the Anker only works with the smartmeter. This would let many customers down, me included. The best way would be to support varios sensors that are already on the market and integrate them into the system. In that case, you can use this data for other things too, like Charge your EV for a low price at night.

Im pretty sure, that a self developed sensor is only used for the balcony system and cant be used for any other usecases.