My first power station

I just got my EB3A on Prime day and also bought a solar panel and I’m not sure if I made a good choice. I picked a 100w and for now I’m hoping it will be good enough until I can learn more to upgrade. Any suggestions?:v:t3:

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Welcome to the forum @bluetti_thessmailyahoocom !
I like to recccomend the pv200 portable panel for the eb3a. Both are pretty light, and easy to deploy and the specs of the pv200 match very well with the eb3a by itself! Cheers and welcome to the addicting club!! haha

You can always buy another 100 watt panel and connect them in parallel to pump up the watts if a single panel isn’t enough. That is my plan. I’ve done exactly what you have. Baby steps starting with only a 100 watt panel. Imagine being able to run your fridge in a power outage from this thing connected to two solar panels.

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I’m a newbie also , just bought the Ac180 on prime day and bought a 120 watt solar panel , I probably won’t need it much for I’m an over lander and will charge my Bluetti on da move , but you can never have enough solar panels as you will probably learn if that is going to be your main source of charging ??