#LifeWithBLUETTI - Winners Announcements

We are thrilled to announce the winners of the #LifeWithBLUETTI Contest! :tada: Congratulations to our recipients:

:1st_place_medal: B300S: @bluetti_lefromenterregmailcom

:2nd_place_medal: PV350: @SigiKa @amandine

:3rd_place_medal: AC50B: @wtytke @DrewLoker

:four_leaf_clover: 3000 BLUETTI Bucks: @hnymann @Chrissie @Selfmadestrom @Derceto @Angelique

A heartfelt thank you to all participants for sharing your incredible #LifeWithBLUETTI stories. Whether it is solar energy retrofit projects or off-grid hobby projects supported by BLUETTI, we have fully experienced the DIY creativity of everyone. :blue_heart:
We appreciate your passion for incorporating BLUETTI into every facet of your lives and thanks for being part of the #LifeWithBLUETTI! :star2::battery:

Stay tuned for more exciting campaigns and opportunities next time! Enjoy your Prime Day shopping spree! :shopping_cart: :shopping_cart:


:gift: :gift: For B300S/PV350/AC50B winners, PM me with your shipping info (full name, phone number, email, and detailed address) to claim your prizes!

:moneybag: :moneybag: For BLUETTI Bucks winners, PM me your BLUETTI account email and registered sites to collect your points! :blue_heart:


Wha :grin::grin::pray::pray:
Trop content de recevoir une b300s . Elle va être d’une très grande utilité pour la construction de notre cabane a miel. Un construction 100% Bluetti💙.

Merci énormément Bluetti .Je vous ferais par de l’avancé de se projet tous au long de ses étapes.
Félicitations à tous.


Congratulations to all the winners of some fantastic prizes from Bluetti and also well done to all that entered I really enjoyed reading all your Bluetti stories. :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:


Fantastique, bravo! Impatient de voir la suite du développement de la miellerie 100% solaire :blue_heart:

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Congrats to all participants, and thanks @BLUETTI for this fun event (and gifts!)


Félicitations aux gagnants :1st_place_medal:


Thank you Very Much Bluetti, I appreciate these contests!
Congrats to all the winners.


Congratulations to all the winners, and to everyone for their stories – they were all fascinating to read!


Actuellement le soleil est au rendez-vous. Nous en profitons pour faire les trous des fondations,le ferraillage et le lavage des tuiles d’occasions.:+1:

Prochainement plus de photos sur notre construction 100% Bluetti avec l’ac500.


Waw, c’est très pro :star_struck:

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Thx BLUETTI for this nice contest and of course for the nice prizes.
Real user stories just give more than some glossy brochure, I really enjoyed reading the real life reports. :+1:
At first I didn’t want to take part myself, because of course it takes a bit of work to sort through the photos and put the story and experiences with Bluetti into a ‘readable’ form.
And between you and me :wink:, my biggest worry was actually that I could win something and as worst case, I get a B500 as a prize … which I wouldn’t even be able to connect with my full equipment (8x B500 is really the maximum).
But never mind, I’ll just start writing, there are already enough good stories and I’m not even thinking about a prize.
I’m completely surprised to read today that I’ll soon have a PV350 in my home. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:
Of course, that’s an amazing gift and it’s already giving me the next ‘worry’. The PV350 is almost too good for my little EB3A, I’m already looking in the shop to see if there’s something suitable … But that’s another story …


Aha true story!
A contest last summer got me an AC500. I then needed a battery…. And a second one to reach the 5kW output :laughing:
Solar is such a virus. Always glad to catch a new variant :blue_heart::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::sunny:


Congrats everyone! Hope you enjoy your prize ;)


Waw this is fantastic, thanks so much @Bluetti !
We decided to buy AC180 given the special offer, so we’ll enjoy extra portability, and infinite power thanks to the prize of this contest!


Thank you, the Bucks will spin the lucky wheel a few times for me!
Congratulations to all the participants :slight_smile:


Je voudrais remercie Bluetti App pour le superbe cadeau du concours #lifewithbluetti. B300S reçu. Celle ci viens considérablement augmenter mon stockage. Un atout pour la construction de la cabane a miel.:honey_pot::honeybee:
J’ai profité du prime day pour acheter une autre b300 afin d’étendre mon Ac500 a 9216wh.:muscle::muscle:
Encore merci Bluetti App :pray::pray::grin:


Great! Hope you project gets a huge success with all that nice equitment!


Life with bluetti :blue_heart::blue_heart:

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Congrats to all the winners - enjoy your prizes!