Just received my EB3A this afternoon and I charged via AC to 100% (came set to ECO), charged from 62% to 100% in ~25 mins
Then, used the Android App to connect, monitored a few things and wireless charged my phone for a bit. Removed that load and did firmware upgrade via the App.
Did ARM update first. All good after
DSP next, but after that update and restart, charge % went from 100% back to 62% (both on its display and in the App). WT*?
After the DSP f/w update, I did AC plug in and it started charging though under 70 watts Input used for charge (initially, before firmware update, was like 270 watts Input for AC charging). Went to 63% after 5 minutes or so.
Concerned about where the charge level really is.
Anyone else experience this?
And No, I didn’t save the shipped firmware versions for ARM and DSP! They are current now, according to the App.
Hi @DroidST , sorry for inconvenience.
Have you tried to calibrate the machine?
First discharge the machine to 0%, then charge it to 100% with the AC port. During this time it needs to be charged continuously, not disconnected, and not with a loaded device.
We suggest you try this first and then see if the EB3A still has this problem.
Thank you for your cooperation.
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That’s happened to many of us. To reset the display, discharge the EB3A to zero until it shuts off on it’s own, and then charge it back up to 100% via the power cord - this should reset the display. Congrats on your new EB3A
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Thank you.
Interesting, so their monitor doesn’t really know that actually charge level?
Will discharging these to 0% cause any long term issues?
Just don’t let the unit sit at 0% for a long period of time, charge it soon afterwards. From what I’ve read over at the Bluetti Portable Power Station Facebook group, this resetting of the display seems to be common on these solar generators.
I guess it’s best to update the f/w right off the bat on these, then charge to 100%