I’ve got twelve 100 watt Renogy panels, two series strings of 6 panels, wired in parallel.
For weeks the app showed a max voltage of around 122 volts, which is about right since the Vmp is 20.4V (6 x 20.4V = 122.4V for each string.)
Then out of the blue the app suddenly shows 145.9v when the AC500 starts beeping about “over voltage.” On top of this it’s cloudy and rainy, with only a few spots where the sun peeks through.
So, how did my 1200 watt array suddenly go from 122v to 145.9v, AND on a rainy/cloudy afternoon? I can only guess it somehow peaked at 150v which set off the alarm.
Is it because it reached 100% charge so the MPPT stopped converting voltage to current? (Notice Power = 0)
@St8kout When the temperature is low, the open-circuit voltage at the moment of solar panel filling will be a little higher than the marked open-circuit voltage.
BLUETTI’s machine has overvoltage protection, clear the error report. Kindly no worries
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