If you're hearing the AC500 fans a little too often

…then break out your vacuum cleaner and clean the fan input side (right side). Use the smallest nozzle to get the most suction force. It also couldn’t hurt to vacuum the output side too.
I couldn’t really see a buildup of dust but it was there. What a difference it made. The unit has been whisper quiet for 2 days now since vacuuming it. Before that, the fans would go into overdrive under loads like my microwave. They really should have included some kind of removeble filter for cleaning, like on two of my window air conditioners.
At some point, after you’re past the warranty period, the fans and filter will need a good cleaning which means opening up the unit. From the breakdown videos I’ve seen, it looks like a straightforward removal of the sides to get to the fans. But wait until it’s out of warranty.


This feedback makes it more important than ever to redeem the portable vacuum cleaner from the lifestyle shop :slight_smile: