Help regarding AC200L and B300K Battery

Dear All.
I live off grid in a static caravan in, (weather wise) presently miserable England, and am on the verge of purchasing the AC200L power unit, B300K battery & 350 watt solar kit.
Being new to your family I can see that many of you are seriously knowledgeable regarding Bluetti systems and dearly need your advice.
Am I purchasing the correct set up for my needs?
I do not use large, power consuming, units such as air conditioning, fridge, freezer, kettles or irons.
What I want is the most appropriate power source to connect to my existing electrical system which is already wired up throughout my static. I will then be able to use all my existing lights and sockets. Therefor I do not need all the output options available on the AC200L.
I need plenty of power storage to last through our overcast British winter days when solar is not feasable and the option to charge via alternative methods.
I await, with excitment, any advice you solar tech savvy brothers and sisters can give a technically limited Brit like me.
Andy Stuart.