I have an EB3A since a few weeks. All working fine, touch wood, but on these forums I read about all kinds of issues people are having with theirs. For example EB3A won't turn on and charge - #13 by e_m and EB3A shows overload when not overloaded - #26 by snowstorm as just a couple of examples. This makes me a little apprehensive about making sure my unit continues to work well for the foreseeable future. So I’m wondering if more experienced users would be able to share tips and advice on caring for their solar generator to make sure it continues to function well.
Thank you for any insights and tips
Hi @Dvaer
I think the EB3A have a lot of “issues” here in the forum because its a unit which many users buy. More users mean more possible problems.
There are some issues which are also firmware related. Regarding this kind of issue, you should keep your Firmware up to date if you experience some kind of issue, if your unit works fine as it is, i wouldnt recommend to update to the latest firmware.
“Never Change a running System” ;)
The most common issue under Powerstation is calibration of the Battery SoC. To calibrate the BMS and the right SoC you should to a full charging cycle ones in a while to prevent issues with that.
Hope this helped a bit. Feel free to ask any question if you had.
Thank you Erik; that makes sense indeed.
With a full charging cycle do you mean letting it go to 0% and then charge back to 100%? Or would it also count if you let it go to 20%, then charge to 70% (so 50% difference), and do that twice (to get 100%)?
Thanks again,
PS: how do you get empty lines in your post? It seems impossible for me no matter how many white lines I put in the editor…
Hi @Dvaer
a full cycle means a charge from 0% to 100%.
To get a space like this you need to write you text the following:
When you done a sentence put < br > (without the spaces between <>) at the end of the line and press enter to begin in a new line.
Good to know @Selfmadestrom, thank you.
You mentioned “once in a while” for a full charging cycle. How often would you do this? Something like a couple times a year, or more often?
Thanks again,
Hey Dave,
good question. I only do it once for now, when the unit was complete new. I would cycle them when new and when you notice some “inbalance”. Like battery draws 20% in 5 Minutes without using much power or something like this.
Between my brother in law and myself, we purchased 4 EB3A systems between march and may 2023. All of these are to be used as UPS powering networking gear drawing around 30W. 3 of the 4 has the dreaded overload problem and firmware updates didn’t fix them. The last unit worked fine, but overheats in the closet which it was placed in. Thr ambient temp is around 30C. I fixed this by glueing a USB powered 60mm case fan to the side, and it is working well with that setup for a few months.
I really want to like the EB3A, but they do have issues. I hope they are fixed, but I would only buy if there is a no hassle return policy and try them out immediately when you get them.
Thank you @snowstorm. So in practise all of them gave you some kind of problem. Sounds like these units aren’t great as a UPS. I’m not intending to use it for that, so hopefully I’ll be fine.
Personally, for small stuff like a router I would consider a mini DC UPS. But they only do a few Watts, so if you need 30W, then indeed you need to look at something bigger like the EB3A.
Good to hear about the USB fan working well. I might use that trick, because I’ve also been thinking about putting my unit in some kind of cupboard.
I would like to add that when recalibrating…Drain the unit not just until the screen shows “0” but wait until the output shuts off. When re-charging to 100%, keep charging until you no longer see any input watts no matter what the SOC charge is displaying.