From the AC2A manual -- huh?

Just ordered an AC2A today with a birthday gift card that was close to expiring. So I used all the codes and the gift card (all in for $154), and decided to download the manual and look at it a bit. I saw this early on. What?? The unit takes 12-28 volts of solar input like pretty much all the other small Bluettis, but here it says this (item 2, under warnings, attached): “Do not use solar panels with open circuit voltage higher than 60V.”

Was this copied and pasted from another unit? I’m pretty sure using a solar panel with (say) 50V OCV with this unit would either refuse to work (if you are lucky) or cause the poor device to fry (if you are not).

Am I missing something?


According to tests such as the one by HOBOTech on YouTube, this unit may accept up to 30V in DC input then it would cut out. Now, it cuts out when voltage is slowly risen from 28v up to 31v. There is a real good chance that if you hit it with 50-60V DC, it would fry and never work again. Do not do it.

Sorry for the confusion.
Thank you for pointing it out. The subsequent manual has deleted this item.
Yes, AC2A supports 12-28V OCV. Please do not use solar panels with OCV higher than 28V to connect