I almost bought the new AC30 featuring a lithium Iron Phosphate Battery, but when I saw it takes 8 hours to charge by wall outlet I changed my mind. I know it probably adds some cost however a good point to make is in an emergency situation or power outage the ability to charge quickly becomes key.
Granted you may not have power at your house but imagine a neighbor has a generator, or someone has a large sola/battery bank at their house, or you go to a near by town where a gas station or store still has some power and they let you hook up. Waiting 8 hours to charge makes the situation even more difficult. Whereas if you could charge quickly you find a power source and “fill up” quickly and get back to where you are needed.
some food for thought
As a pie in the sky thought… Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a built in Graphene hybrid capacitor that when you plugged into a wall socket could quickly hold lots of power like say 1,000 watts and then you would unplug from the wall and it would continue to charge your batteries over the next few hours.