EP600 and CT or Meter+CT


Regarding manual EP600 could use own CT or Meter+CT (for current more that 100A). No difference? Or Meter only for > 100A or scheme with other inverter? (Not my case).
I found two schemes where CT was on main residential Grid and on EP600 Grid cable.
What difference? :) just for statistics?


Hi again,

Why it doesn’t show power for line L1. And how it get 993W for current 9.7A? :neutral_face: (grid in app)


After first inverter start it discharged battery to 20?

Consumption 5.6kW with switched off backup line and without any heat looks strange :melting_face: but ok.

After this it started charge battery?
But all zeros on main screen

And some values in grid

(Why it doesn’t use L1?)

And in consumption

Coud anyone explain how this work? :slight_smile:

please post the diagram of how you connected the CT and where.

What did you use, the enclosed CT that connects directly to the EP600 or the extra ADL400 smart meter?


Just CT directly to EP600. Aftee main breaker.

I found that S and T should be changed each other. And R direction not correct :upside_down_face:
My fault :slight_smile:

After fixing 9.7A now more than 2kW as expected.

PS: strange thing with “Time of use”, it disabled, but battery doesn’t charge. Have to set Off-peak period to 00:00-23:59, but not a problem.

With “Time of use” disabled, you cann’t charge from grid, or feed into grid.
If you want to charge from grid, you need “Time of use” enabled, set a time schedule “of peak” to charge and at least, settting in “advanced settings” the values for “charge from grid”, power and (!) current. If power and current lead to different values, the lowest value win …

For example, you can set loading to 4000W (per phase) and set current to 1A, then it result in charging with round about 660W (3x 220V x 1A) …

I expected that it doesn’t check time and always charge when OFF :slight_smile:

I need new feature :see_no_evil: If battery level less NN‰ charge any time (for example, 50%). After this value charge in of peak :slight_smile: (or api/integration to control this :smiling_imp:)

4000 only for charge? Charge and bypass? Or common grid consumption?
For example, I set 4000 and 15A. But use from grid 3500, 4500 and 1000W per phase.
Is it relates from grid phase load?


I never tried it, but you can set power to max 15kW for charging … try it ;-)

This should not happen unless you use “SOC Low Limit” enabled, then it will allways charge if grid is avialable and SOC is lower then limit.

I set “time of use” disabled and my EP600 does not charge by grid, not even when SOC goes to 0, in that case it shut itself down and disable itself.

But if I set low limit it close discharge if battery less this limit? What happened?

As long as the grid is present, the battery is only discharged down to SoC low, after this point, the power only comes from the grid.

If the grid fails (blackout), SoC low is ignored and the EP600 will continue to provide power on the backup side until it reaches SoC 0%, at this point it deactivates itself to prevent deep discharging of the batteries.


I’m lost :)
So… If grid On and Charge from grid Off it uses battery until SOC low limit? Always or only for Peak period?

I expected that SOC low doesn’t allow discharge battery too much :thinking:
It has options in Advanced: SOC low limit On/Off. Description is “When grid is available, the battery stays around Battery SOC low”. Is this mean that battery will charge to SOC low in any period (off peak).

Possible better from other side.
No sun panel. Grid time to time Off, different time of day. Have Off-peak (night) and Peak periods.
Charge from grid should be On.
Feed to grid should be off (no feed).
If I will setup Off-peak and Peak period, SOC level 40-80% and set SOC low to On. Is battery will be charged to 40% during Peak period?
But even Yes for this case it will try to use battery during peak period if SOC more then 40? :frowning:

PS: sorry, too much questions :disappointed:

With this setting it use battery when grid on :unamused:

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About CT

Grid On. Load connected to EP600.
Main screen with 0 grid and consumption

But in grid has current. Without power value :thinking:

Too small load?

Show value with more load.
Without grid consumption was 250-300W on battery. Same consumption from grid through EP600 show zero. CT on grid hasn’t enough accuracy?

Take it slow …
You keep changing the settings, I can’t keep up with thinking and answering.

Why do you use “off-peak” AND “peak”? What exactly do you want to use the battery for?

I use my EP600 for PV surplus, which I then take out of the battery when there is little or no sun.

Feeding into the grid (from the battery) is of no use to me, charging with grid power only becomes an issue in winter and then only so that I have a backup reserve in the battery (for blackouts).


I could use Off-peak and Peak periods to charge battery when price is lower. But this is only option, not goal.

We have problem with Grid. 4-7 hours off grid, 3-5 on grid. So, I have blackout almost every day :pensive:

I want to have electricity at home :man_shrugging:

OK, if you have a blackout for several hours every day, then I don’t see any advantage in only charging when electricity is cheap and selling it when it’s expensive.
You’ll end up without electricity yourself!
In the event of a daily blackout, I would constantly (24/7) switch to “off-peak” and charge what I can. Stops at SoC high anyway.

Current settings as you say, Off-peak 00:00-23:59
SOC 20-80%

What mean SOC low On/Off?

simply click on the question mark ?

But what can be reason for this? Why someone need to have battery at SOC low?

PS: I see this, strange explanation :slight_smile:

You have to ask those who need it.
I would simply say that this is for those who have a high blackout probability and therefore always want to have a battery reserve in case of an emergency …
Maybe you’re confusing something? The “SoC low limit” is not the upper limit when charging, but the minimum that is always (!) maintained.
For example, I only charge with PV, so in winter the battery would be completely empty most of the time (self-consumption). SoC limit low would then keep SoC at 20%, for example, even if I have not activated charging with Grid.

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