EB3A - PV input from 2 solar panels?

Newbie here. I’m learning everything solar and electrical so please excuse my lack of basic knowledge. I’m asking for some help with this problem that has been consuming my time for three days!
I wanted to try using two 100 watt solar panels to charge my EB3A through the winter months, thinking that two would be better than one in the shorter days and cloudy weather. I tried connecting two panels in series and got nothing - no PV input at all.
I could try connecting them in parallel, but maybe I am exceeding the EB3A max limits for volts or amps input with the two panels in either configuration, and just stick with one panel. The panels are each 100W and 12V - one is rated 5.78A and the other is 6.11A. The EB3A listed DC limits are 200W, 12-28V, 8.5A.
Is this just a simple case of too much PV (amps, I guess) input for the EB3A?
P.S. There’s a chance I can get an AC70 soon and maybe that’s the answer!

Hi @1234Solar im afraid the the reason the panels won’t work is because they are not the same both panels need to be identical you can’t use deferent rated panels.

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Thank you! Somehow I missed that information when I learned about series and parallel connections. I can just go back to one panel for now.
Do you happen to know if using 2 identical panels would improve my power input through the winter?

Hi @1234Solar, you can connect two panels in Parallel with the EB3A. A series connection, which will double the voltage with 2 panels, will exceed the maximum VOC input and risk damaging the EB3A. Series connections increase voltage, Parallel increases amps. You can go over both the amps and watts, as the EB3A will only draw what it needs, but you cannot exceed VOC/OCV voltage.

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Hi @Erebus, Thanks for your reply. I do have the proper cables to try connecting the two panels in Parallel, so I’ll give it a try in the next few days and report my results here. Fingers crossed.


@1234Solar that’s great. The two panels will still need to be the same of course. Otherwise you’ll be limited to the input of the lowest rated panel.

So glad you clarified that! My panels are not the same so it would have been a fail.
Guess I’m just going to use one panel for the EB3A after all - and look into upgrading to the AC70.

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@1234Solar it’s possible it will still work in Parallel with your 2 panels but the results may vary. It won’t work at all in Series as the voltage will be too high. Can you provide the VOC and other specs of your panels?

The panels are each 100W and 12V - one is rated 5.78A and the other is 6.11A.

The EB3A listed DC limits are 200W, 12-28V, 8.5A.

@1234Solar I was hoping you could provide the OCV/VOC voltage.