EB3A overload + hot

Hi !

I’ve bought this unit on April 29 on Amazon during a sale.
I’m finally using it at a Market Faire for powering small 6-8W LED lights.
The battery is ALWAYS warm or hot during use, even for 6W LEDS.
And this morning, I wanted to check if it was recharged overnight, and it stopped at 88% with the red warning ‘‘Overload’’
I’ve not even recharged it 3 times that I have errors and it’s always hot. Do I have a defective unit ? Here are the drivers status. The app says it’s Up to date.

Thank you

Hi @Sylvain, We would like to push the DSP v2056.15 to your EB3A to resolve this problem, please tell us the SN number of your EB3A.

@BLUETTI_CARE could I get this DPS too?

SN: EB3A2330001999962
ARM: 2062.03
DSP: 2056.13

Please I’m getting hopeless

День добрый. Та же проблема - Перегрузка. Подключен как UPS к маленькому холодильнику, 40-50 Вт. Режим ECO выключен. Раз в несколько дней выключается и пишет - Перегрузка. Заряд падает до 74%, хотя подключен к переменному току.
ARM v2063,03
DSP v2052,11

Hi @andres-asm and @Taisia , Now I have applied to upgrade your system to our IT department. They will push the latest version of DSP to your machine in 12 hours.
Please upgrade the firmware tomorrow. Please do not load any device when upgrading it.

Hi @Sylvain , We wonder if this problem is resolved.
Please feel free to contact us if you need more help.

День добрый. Обновление так и не пришло(((

@BLUETTI_CARE seems fine for almost two weeks now

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Приложение обновилось, а прошивка осталась та же…

Hi @andres-asm , thank you for your feedback, I am glad to hear that!

Таисия, мы обнаружили, что у тебя последняя прошивка, поэтому мы не можем выпустить новую прошивку.
Hi @Taisia , we found that your firmware is the latest one, so we can’t push a new firmware.