DIY Zero Waste balcony System with Home Assistant

Hey everyone,

while make my first video for the second generation of the balcony system, i mentioned that the system isnt able to provide a real “Zero waste” mode. Well, i built it myself and it works great since weeks now! I created a video to show you, how you can built it for yourself. It also should work with other systems ;)

Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise feedback would be appreciatet.


well done !

I measure the work necessary to integrate all the bricks, and I imagine the great satisfaction of seeing on the phone macrodroid all alone go to get the values ​​and inject into the bluetti app ! It’s magical and hypnotic!

It was a lot of work. I do have all of the values, but to bring them into to right shape and actually use it like i do… there wasnt any guide that done something like this befoure.

Thanks @Snips1 :slight_smile:

Yes! I think you are the first to do this with Bluetti/the balcony system and it is also the first guide so detailed !

Nice! Endless imagination has been in action :sunny: KUDOS!

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