D300S Solarpanels 1 String or 2 Sting series connection AC500

Hello everyone,

I wanted to ask what makes more sense.

I have 9 bifacial solar panels
460W front
Voc = 50V
Isc = 11A

Now I connected the panels to my AC500 via a D300S step-down converter.
2 thongs
1x 5 pieces in a row
1x 4 pieces in a row

Now my question. Does it make sense to connect all 9 panels in series to increase the voltage?
I’ve read that this gives you more performance in the bad months.
The D300S has 2 inputs, does it matter if only 1 string is connected?

Thank you

The input power is the same whether one or two strings are connected. If only one string is connected, the PV parallel enable of AC500 needs to be turned ON.