Countingdown to the last 7 days of #LifeWithBLUETTI!

:gift: A wonderful story for a wonderful gift. Don’t miss the prizes, enter and you will win.

:1st_place_medal: 1st Prize: B300/B300S/B500 ×1
(Price model based on your product: B300 for AC300, B300S for AC500, B500 for EP800/EP900/EP760/EP600)
:2nd_place_medal: 2nd Prize: PV350 ×2
:3rd_place_medal: 3rd Prize: AC50B ×2
:four_leaf_clover: Lucky Prize: 3000 BLUETTI Bucks

We hope you will not hesitate to share the stories and experiences on using the products BLUETTI AC300、AC500、EP800、EP900、EP760, or EP600, and we look forward to them.

:star_struck:Looking forward to your active participation.

:eyes:To know more about the contest:


Quick forum search, let’s ping some AC500 owners - guys, there’s good stuff to win :blue_heart:
Just share your use case with the #LifeWithBluetti hastag!
@KeithB @Deano @Cyberoth @justrick @Akel @AlexxV @kkircher @St8kout

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And some AC300 owners:
@Selfmadestrom @Angelique @m.briney @Raymondjram @DrewLoker (not sure @Ktt got his AC300/500 yet?)
@Cerebrl @TheQuickFox @Aussie_In_AZ @jdnash


More: @ProfGrizzlyJon @Wuastr @BigApple @JWILSON

Thanks to @Derceto for the additions!
Likewise, we’d like to invite EP Home Storage Series users @SigiKa @Kbuettgen @Gerty @Olvrick to join and share in this campaign! :raised_hands: :raised_hands:

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@Derceto dUnfortunately. Not got the big Bluetti yet might be while just out of hospital can’t even lift my AC2A at the moment so no chance of moving the bigger ones. Really hoping to save enough to be able to get one some point this year. :crossed_fingers:


Oh boi, sorry to hear. Wish you the best recovery then :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

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Was on vacation^^. AC300 video is on the way! Thanks for tagging.


I don’t have a very interesting story to share with my AC300. Mine just stands disconnected and fully charged next to my computer. When I have a power outage I turn it on and plug my APC Smart-UPS into it. My APC just has 20 minutes of runtime. My AC300 + B300 more than 8 hours.

Last month I had two planned power outages because of construction work by my utility company. When my Smart-UPS starts beeping I plugged it into my AC300 and I grabbed a long extension cord to power my fridge freezer with it as well. I survived the 6 hour power outage without any downtime of my internet, server and PC.

And I had the additional power to brew my morning cup of coffee as well. Which is a nice luxury when the rest of my street has no power.

I don’t use my AC300 very often due to the reliable power we have here in The Netherlands but the peace of mind it gives me is well worth it.