#BLUETTISwapSolar The future of the series SwapSolar


Hi, in the SwapSolar series, I would

🩵A foldable solar tracker that would work with a SwapSolar battery😍
The PV350 would be well installed With the possibility of installing PV200 or PV120 as well…
Days that follow the sun without battery problems thanks to the AC180T 🩵
It would be really great to be able to take the solar tracker with us and make sure our solar :sun_with_face:
Panels get the most out of the sun so our batteries are fully charged🙂

🩵A folding bike would also be ideal for our outings in nature. It would be powered by an AC180T battery :heart_eyes:

When we leave we don’t have much space and the folding bike is really appreciated😍
Being able to take a long walk with our dog without getting too tired :grin:


Already mentioned such a tracker too! Its really something that is missing in the lineup, agree!

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Oui c’est clair que ça serait top, le problème avec un traqueur non pliable ça prends vraiment trop de place et la nous pourrions aussi bien l’utilisé à la maison et en déplacement. Peut être un jour :smiling_face:


J’adore le vélo :heart_eyes:🩵 je pense qu’un vélo électrique sera le futur achat :smiling_face:

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Solartracker is a really cool concept. Mentioned that myself!

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