Bluetti EP760 Generator Issue + Other Questions

Hi Bluetti,

I’m in Australia and I’ve been using the EP760/B500 for about 3 months. I live on a remote property with the EP760 installed at my shed to provide power for the shed, and the NBN Fixed Wireless Internet connection. There is no grid connection. When it has been cloudy for a few days in a row, I run a small pure sine wave generator to charge the battery. The generator is connected to the grid input. This worked fine before now. This morning when I started the generator, the system generated a high grid voltage error message, and shuts down the grid input. Yet the reported grid voltage is fine.

I’ve just noticed another topic on this site titled " Questions after using Bluetti EP760 for some time"

This topic seems to reference a bug where the EP760 intially draws from the grid then returns power to it, even though the “Feed to Grid” setting is turned off. Can you confirm this is likely to be the cause of my problem?

In addition, the other topic references “pro” mode and ensuring the “Region” setting is correct. My region is set to Germany. Can you advise how I access pro mode so I can change to region setting to Australia.

Finally, I’ve noticed the “Production”, “Grid” and “Consumption” displays in the app don’t show readings when they fall below 100W. My “Consumption” is about 70W constant load, so it always shows as zero. Yet I know it is reading something as the “Energy Statistics” are increasing. Can you change the app, or add a setting, so that the app will display power levels less than 100W.

Tim West

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Your EP760 firmware needs to be upgraded to the latest version and then Generator mode turned on.

Regarding setting up pro mode, I’ll send you a registration link via PM.