Bluetti EP600

Hello, please help with settings EP600
I install it like reserve in my house, device is charging OK and send energy to home ok, but 1 phase not work in app, and in app i not see power of charging
and one more question about battery, can i hold it in 100% charging limit, or its not good for battery like in Tesla car.
Beforehand thank you

Hello Vladimir,

If one phase does not work, I suspect that the sequence of the phases (R, S, T or L1, L2, L3) does not match the CT correctly. Two phases are certainly interchanged.
The same phase (R, S, T) must always match the respective CT!
Check this again, or have the electrician do it, who has hopefully connected it.

By default, the SoC values are set at 20/80 % and I would leave them as they are. Always at 100% shortens the service life of the battery (as with electric cars …).

Translated with (free version)

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Thank you are lot, tomorroq i will check everything once again. But when i put charge limit - battery continue to charge to 100%, i mean that battery not react for limitation, like it work in tesla

A few more details possible?
How do you charge, with grid or with PV (AC or DC)?
When charging via grid, the SoC is taken into account, when charging via PV, charging is always at 100%, although there are also some users who report that the SoC limit also works with PV (not for me, charging is at 100% with PV)