Bluetti device teardown videos

This is NOT my channel but I found it interesting to see the internals of the Bluetti devices I own.

:rotating_light: Please note that all these devices contain :zap: DANGEROUS VOLTAGES :zap: that may shock or kill you. Do not open them if you do not know what you are doing.

Only let an experienced electrical engineer work on your Bluetti devices. Unapproved disassemblies and repairs may cancel the warranty of your manufacturer or retailer. :rotating_light:

Still, I recommend everyone to save the disassembly video’s in case you need a repair and warranty- or paid support from your seller or Bluetti is not available. These videos may help repair personnel that is not familiar with these products to open them in the right way. Or perhaps you are just interested in how the internals look like.

The link to the videos is:


Wow! Pretty impressive. Thanks for sharing this @TheQuickFox

Thanks! I watched the AC200MAX and really liked how modular it is.
Many years ago my first Bluetti was a EB150. After a while, the display had an issue. I contacted Bluetti and in no time had a replacement display headed my way. Was easy to replace. This quick response to an issue is why I own so many Bluetti’s now :)
Edited to add: I still have the EB150 and it still works just fine.

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I love the eb150! Still one of my absolute favorite form factor units! :metal: