:red_car: Got questions about the CHARGER 1 DC-DC Charger​:question:
We’ve got you covered from how to set it up, to tips on using it, and fixing common problems.

Check out our latest video and find out everything you need to know about this amazing product. :partying_face: Get your questions answered and learn more about this innovative product. Let’s clear up any doubts together! :blue_heart:


Really looking forward to using the Bluetti 1.
One question has the Bluetti one got the password protection chip for the Bluetooth.


Sorry, the Charger 1 can only be connected directly by Bluetooth. There’s no way to go and tie it to a personal account, so there’s no more advanced operating privileges.

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Good news! The latest version of the software now supports setting a Bluetooth passcode for further privacy protection.


Fantastic news on the Bluetooth password protection. That was fast work well done team bluetti. :blue_heart::blue_heart:

Why does the app not have these options and its been updated.

HI THERE, Do I need a smart alternator for this charger?

No additional alternator required. Both conventional and smart alternators will work.