Bluetti AC240 Review

I was given the opportunity to test and review Bluetti’s new AC240 power station.

This power station is IP65 rated, which means it is impervious to dust and dirt, and protected against low pressure water jets from any direction. So, don’t submerge the AC240, but rain, lawn sprinklers, or hosing it down would not affect it. It has a 2,400 watt inverter with power lift mode, and an internal 1,536 watt-hour battery. Watch the video below for a more complete run-down of it’s capabilities and features.

The power station feels very rugged and sturdy, and it is a heavy 70 lbs. The carry handles, being built into the case, are robust enough to carry it with one hand if necessary. It also stands about an inch taller than the AC200MAX, and 1/2 inch deeper.

One of the first uses we put the AC240 to was to do some baking, which it was quite happy to do. Here’s a dinner casserole that needed to be baked at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 40 minutes.

Another good use for the AC240 was to run my office on a day I work from home. It was quite the cloudy day for this picture, but I was getting some solar in, and later in the day the sun was out.

The next week I ran into an “emergency” that the AC240 was ideally set to handle! It was a Friday evening, and our family was going to a potluck supper. However, life throwing obstacles as it does sometimes, we did not have the time needed to get the food cooked and hot before we had to leave. Since we were using an Instant Pot and a slow cooker for the hot food I grabbed the AC240, put it in the back of the car, plugged everything in, and off we could go with everything hot when we arrived, and on time!

Whether you have a power failure, you’re out camping, or on a day trip out in nature, sometimes you just need to have a coffee (or any hot beverage). It doesn’t matter where you are, it’s easy and quick to prepare with the right tools.

And speaking of power failures, there’s always the risk of that happening. And if it does no-one wants to lose their refrigerated or frozen food because of it, so it’s good to know that your power station is up to the task of powering your fridge or freezer.

The Bluetti AC240 is a top quality power station for any circumstance. The IP65 rating makes it ideal for outdoor enthusiasts, and those who need power outdoors far from any electrical service. With both WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity it is easy to monitor the system. Even for those not needing the IP65 rating, the battery expansion options are excellent – up to 4 B210 batteries at 2,150 watt-hours of power in each, giving up to 10,176 watt-hours of power storage! And it’s capable of 1,200 watts solar input. So, powering your home in a power failure, powering your RV, powering your tool-shed, or powering your to-do list tasks are all possible.


Great review………looks like you have a great unit!

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Thanks, @hnymann, for your insights to the AC240 ;)

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@hnymann Thank you for the special explanation of the external parameters, accessories, and IP65 performance of the AC240. It’s glad to know that AC240 can perfectly solve the “emergency” situation during your dinner party! :yum:
By the way, do you have high-power appliances at home? It would be very impressive if you could show us two AC240 units in parallel to release 4,800W! :zap: :zap:


So I read the AC240 manual from your web site.
Is the PV Voltage Regulator mentioned in it available for sale?
Would it support 3 PV350 panels in series or parallel to get close (1050W?) to the 1200W solar input?

Yes, I most certainly do! I have an outdoor tool use case that required parallel output, and another demonstration for the home. I hope to have that review out soon.


Thanks for the review of the AC240. Well done.
A great new compliment to the Bluetti family of batteries.
Very cool


Good review with practical examples of use.

My only comment is 70lb (31.75kg) is above the recommended single person lift weight of 25kg (55lb). So take care lifting … bend ze knees


Thanks for sharing all of this @hnymann Henry! Love the different use cases you showed us!


Nice review - very informative :)


Speaking of the parallel kit, here is my video review of that.

Bluetti AC240 Parallel Kit Review

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