BLUETTI 2023 Black Friday is Here! 🛍️

:rocket: Get Ready for Unbeatable Deals:

:one:AC180: Only $649
Power Simplified at Just $649 Experience the convenience and reliability of AC180. This compact powerhouse is ready to handle all your power needs, whether it’s for indoor or outdoor use.

:two:AC200MAX+PV420: $1999
Upgrade your power game with the AC200MAX and PV420 solar panel combo. This dynamic duo provides a seamless and sustainable power solution for your off-grid adventures.

:three:AC200L: First Release at $1499
Don’t miss your chance to be among the first to experience this extraordinary power companion at a special first release price.

:one:AC180+PV350: 1598€
An unmissable choice in the 1KWh power stations!

:two:AC200P+PV200*3: 2499€

:three:AC200MAX+PV350*2: 2869€

These incredible offers won’t last long! Visit our website now and take advantage of the BLUETTI 2023 Black Friday Shopping Event. :shopping::hourglass_flowing_sand:
In addition to the above surprise offers, we also have the Lucky Draw, BLUETTI Lifestyle Gifts and 3X BLUETTI Bucks.
It’s the annual great discount, if you miss it, you’ll have to wait till next year.

:globe_with_meridians:Shop here:








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SolarPowerSupply also has some great Black Friday discounts on Bluetti products.

Wow these prices are amazing!
Dear @BLUETTI what’s the catch? From both your webshop, and amazon shop, the prices are so much higher:


Hi @Puffi
We cannot dictate pricing for dealers or third-party sellers. However, users who purchase through unofficial channels need to discern on their own.
In addition, BLUETTI’s official website offers multiple points, lucky wheel, and LifeStyle souvenirs during Black Friday, which unofficial channels do not have.
You can consider these factors and make your own decision to purchase. :)

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AC180 and EB70 Black Friday Flash Sale Specials at BLUETTI UK site!

:shopping: :shopping:Shop here:
AC180 Now £699.00 SAVE £400

EB70 Now £499.00 SAVE £200

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What machine do you suggest for a home usage? We are based in Europe (Belgium). We heat the house and the water with natural gas, so our only big consumers are the laundry machine and drier. We could also connect the freezer as it stands in the same room. We currently have 6 panels that were lent to us by my in-law so we can test, as well as an AC300. The battery drains quickly when running the drier. We don’t produce much as I posted in a separate topic.
Thanks in advance for your attention!

Based on your use of high-power devices such as washing machines and dryers, if the AC300 is easily depleted, I would recommend upgrading to the AC500. This can not only reduce costs (no need to add an additional battery pack, just use the original B300 of the AC300), but also increase the output power. :smile:

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indeed, it’s more a matter of batteries rather than peak power. I’ll see if my in-laws are considering selling their AC300, then I could just add a second battery for my laundry / freezer and other laundry room appliances. Thanks!

Either add another b300 to the ac300 or only do your washing / drying when the sun is shining. Keep in mind, solar production is far less this time of year vs’s summer time @ your longitude.