Black Friday Recommended Bundles Releasing

:face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle: Can’t decide what to shop for?
:shopping: :shopping:Check out these BLUETTI Black Friday recommended bundles!

AC180+PV200S = $899
High cost performance

AC300 + B300 = $2299

AC200L+B300 = $2999
5kWh high capacity, cost per kWh <$600

EP800+2*B500 = $6999
Big discount on Home energy storage system, don’t miss out if interested!


AC180+PV200 = 1.298,00 €

AC300+B300 = 2.999,00 €


AC180+PV120S = £988
Lowest price of the year

AC180+PV200 = £1098
Lowest price of the year

AC200MAX = £1399
2 kWh preferred + annual lowest price, cost per kWh <£700

AC300+B300 = £2299
Cost per kWh <£800

Black Friday is entering the countdown phase, and if you miss out on this year’s lowest price deals, you may have to wait until next year. :hourglass_flowing_sand::shopping:

Take advantage of the sale period and place your order to get the bundle combo you want! :package::gift::money_with_wings:

Don’t wait, act fast! :alarm_clock::running_woman::man_running:

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