Best arrangement with 465W solar panel in AC300

What is the best solar panel arrangement for the following solar panels?
The current solar panels have the following specifications:
Solar Panel Power: 465W
Maximum Power Voltage: 42.43V
ISC Short Circuit Flow: 11.49A
Maximum Output Amplifiers IMP: 10.92A
Voltage Open Circuit: 50.15V
Solar Panel Working Voltage: 24V

Scenario 1 (Series):
PV1 - 2x 465W = 930W;
PV2 - 2x 465W = 930W;
Total = 1860W 100.24V for each string;
Scenario 2 (Series):
PV1 - 3x 465W = 1395W;
PV2 - 3x 465W = 1395W;
Total = 2790W, 150.36V for each string, is it possible?
What is the tolerance percentage in AC300?
Should Parallel PV be On, right ?
Scenario 3 (Mix):
PV1 - 2x 465W (Series) + 1x 465W (Parallel) = 1395W, 100.3V ;
PV2 - 2x 465W (Series) + 1x 465W (Parallel) = 1395W, 100.3V ;
Total = 2790W Will the Amp be limited by the AC300? and it is possible to use in this way ?
Scenario 4: Add to scenario more solar panels with different specifications to optimize the charging capacity of the AC300? What should the specs be ?

Another scenario ?


Scenario 1 - Would work fine. Would be great in the summer but you have unused capacity. Probably the best initial setup and you don’t need to buy anything extra.

Scenario 2 - On cold days it could be a problem with the VOC. I don’t think you want to be so close to the maximum.

Scenario 3 - Doesn’t work because for Series Parallel you would need 4 panels. 2 + 2. The AC300 limit of 12A means a lot of wasted solar in the summer but should be a good configuration for winter. Also the maximum you would get is about 1020 watts because 84.86V x 12A = 1018.32W.

If I was buying panels for the AC300 I would be looking at panels close to 12A Imp and around 40-45v VOC so I could put 3 in series.


The best thing is max. V (but below 150 V VOC) in series connection and then several of them in parallel connetion (overpaneling)…A and W don’t matter.

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It is possible to add 200W (VOC: 27.95V ISC: 8.97A ) panels to 465W panels ? or do overpaneling with different specs ? to get the most of solar panels.
I’m considering to use one panel of 200W to connect to the B300 battery.

If you connect panels with 40V and 28V together in a circuit, only 28V will end up in the system.
In the series connection, the voltage adds up and the current remains the same. But only the lowest one remains, i.e. 28V.
So you have less power in W and your panels don’t work efficiently.
If possible, you should always use the same panels in a circuit.
However, you can connect two panels with 28V each connected in series to each B300.
then you stay below 60 VOC.
Sorry for the bad English though
I come from Germany

So, in this way it’s possible to add another panel two panels (let’s say: 500W VOC:45.59V ISC: 13.97A)to add one at each string (2x 465W VOC: 50,15V ISC:11.49A) ?
In each string would get VOC: 145.89V (50.15 + 50.15 + 45.59) totaling 465+465+500 = 1430W, working at 45.59V.
Is this correct ?

You use the Maximum power voltage x the Maximum output Amplifiers (Imp) to get the maximum watts.

So if that 500 watt panel has a VOC of 45.59V it must have a maximum power voltage of about 38V and Imp of 13.15A. So it would be more like this -

42.43+42.43+38= 122.86V x 10.92A (Imp of lowest panel) = 1341 Watts maximum.

So the 500 watt panel is producing at most 415 watts.

VOC: 145.89V (50.15 + 50.15 + 45.59)
You are still very close to the voltage limit and this can cause issues when it’s cold. For example my 2 panels should have a VOC totalling 73.86V going by the spec sheet but they measured 76V last Saturday by Multimeter and it wasn’t even that cold. For this reason most people leave some headroom like 10 volts spare.

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I think that is right.

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Thanks Akel and Sideeffect.

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