Battery Cycling to 0%?

I have an AC180 I almost never use (it’s an emergency backup). The user manual says: “For optimum battery life, discharge and charge the unit every 3 months.” But the manual also says not to allow the unit below 5% SoC. So, when purposefully cycling the battery, should I discharge the unit all the way to 0%? Or should I discharge it only to 5%?

Also, on page 7 the manual says to cycle the battery every 6 months. So how often should I cycle it – every 3 months or every 6 months?

This means that during daily use, it’s best to keep the battery level above 5%. If it drops below this, you should recharge it as soon as possible.

Every 3-6 months, perform two full charge and discharge cycles for the battery. This helps calibrate the battery’s capacity.

You can refer to the video for more tips!