B300/B300s batteries

Just checking to find out what is the most solar charging I can use for direct charging the B300/300S? I have some solar panels that are 535 watts, VOC of 49.17 and ISC of 13.6 amps. The VOC is within range of what the b300 can take but I see nothing about the ISC amp limit for the battery. Will it/does it hurt the battery to over panel it as long as the VOC limit is not reached? Should I just use a lower wattage panel, like a 405? I do have a couple of them lying around to use. Thank you ahead of time, R.

Hi, The B300 has a 200 watt limit and the Amps will be limited by the controller so you don’t need to worry about the Amp limit. At the voltages you are talking about it wouldn’t ever supply more than 5A on the B300, and the 405 watt panel would be more than enough.

It could be worth you getting the B300S instead if you plan to connect so much solar as that can accept 500 Watts or get the D050S charging enhancer for the B300 .

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