Announcing the Super Early Bird Prices for BLUETTI SwapSolar on IGG

We’re excited to announce the launch prices for BLUETTI SwapSolar Ecosystem on Indiegogo:

:one: BLUETTI SwapSolar Ecosystem (AC180T+MultiCooler):
$1429 $̶2̶1̶9̶8̶, 35%OFF

:two: BLUETTI SwapSolar Ecosystem with One Extra B70 Battery (AC180T+MultiCooler+B70):
$1719 $̶2̶6̶2̶7̶, 35%OFF

Experience the next level ecosystem and unlimited power in your hands. The SwapSolar is here to revolutionize your outdoor adventures! :tent::battery:

Want to guess the exclusive discounts offered to our community members? :star_struck:


J’aurais bien vu tout ça dans notre petit chalet :heart_eyes:

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