This morning as I’m trying to get my AC200P to charge from AC adapter, I’m getting Fault #007 which it states in the fault log as “adapter relay fault”. Anyone have any idea how to resolve this fault? I’ve tried switching AC adapters and switching outlets that the adapters are plugged into, no change. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi @bigjdunham , sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Given this situation where your AC200P has a 007 error report you need to return it for an exchange. Did you purchase it from our BLUETTIPOWER website? If so, you need to contact our support department and provide the machine error picture and serial number, then customer service will record for you to exchange machine.
I got this error when i plugged the power supply into an outdoor ac socket that is apparently damaged. When i replugged it into the other socket it worked again. Perhaps 007 error gets thrown when there is a ground fault or something?