This morning I noticed that the AC60 which has a singe B80 connected to was discharging and was down to 83%.
It is being used as a UPS and had mains 240AC connected to.
On the phone app it was showing 0 volts AC coming in and the same on the AC60 display.
So basically, it was not charging or supplying the connected devices with bypass power.
The 240V AC supply from the wall socket was stable and clean so it should not have been behaving this way.
The only way I could get the unit to start charging was to disconnect the 240V AC power cord and reconnect it which started the charging cycle and allowed bypass 240V AC to the equipment that was connected to it.
This is a little concerning because if I was not in the office, the unit would have completely discharged for no valid reason.
Could Bluetti advise what to do going forward.
This AC60 & B80 have run faultlessly for several weeks but now this occurred.
All firmware updates have been applied when made available.
AC60 S/N AC602318000432374
ARM V2076.05
DSP V2075.03
BMS V1030.05
B80 S/N 2317000429744
BMS V1031.06