AC500 will not turn on

B500 Power Problem

Today (3/21/2024), I had a problem with the internet app seeing and controlling my system. I found that I could use the app to see and control interactions with Bluetooth but still could not get the system to set up an IP address for remote access and control which has worked for months. My system configuration is an AC500 with four connected B300S batteries attached. The system has been stable and working for months and so the problem occurred when I turned off the system thinking with a powering cycle that I might be able to get back the internet remote control so an IP would be assigned for remote access using my phone. I started by pressing the power button on the AC500 believing that I might be able to restore the remote access. I followed the power down procedure to first disconnect the PV power input based on the message to do that before turning off the system in preparation for turning the system back on.

I next turned off the system following the protocol of first turning off PV input before powering down. I was successful in the system turning off by pressing the power button on the B500. But when I tried to turn the system back on by pressing the power button on the B500, all the batteries power indicators turned on but the AC500 itself did not turn on. This problem was unexpected, so I decided to simplify by connecting only one battery to the B500 to determine if that would work. That battery was 100% charged so there was not a power source problem that was connected to the B500.

When I pressed the power button on the B500, the battery came on but the power indicator on the B500 did not come on. Based on some forum discussion, I decided to try connecting a different single battery and sequentially did this experiment with all four batteries with the same result. Pressing the AC500 power button would turn on the power indicator button on the battery but the AC500 power button did not come on. I also tried the two different ports on the AC500 and that did not change the outcome. I also tried different cables in the event that the cable used for the experiments had some problem. None of those experiments resulted in success. Neither the experiment using the other port on the AC500 changed the result.

It is hard to comprehend that you can turn the system off, but you cannot power it back on. (Failure for the AC500 to power on with the same configuration.)

OneDrive Power Problem/AC500 Power Problem.docx

Hi @bluetti_geraldwbradshawgmailcom

Its a long text, but i hope i catch it all. Your first problem is that you cant access your AC500 Unit by App when using connection over the Internet.

Second problem is, when you want to turn on the AC500, the (B500???) turn on, but the AC500 remains “offline”?

@BLUETTI @BLUETTI_CARE Is B500 compatible with AC500? I throught it only works with B300S.

To solve your connection problem, i would recommend to clear the routers DHCP list. Maybe there is a conflict where two clients get the same IP Adress in your network.


@bluetti_geraldwbradshawgmailcom B500 is not compatible with AC500. I’m sorry I do not so understand your problem and I can’t open the link you provided.